First off thank you Adam and Alice for taking me to Guu for my birthday :)
I think I've been to Guu at least 7 times in 4 months and never been disappointed. Hit the time limit a few times and only had to line up once. Guu is about having a good time. The best way to enjoy Guu is order in waves. If you order all the food at once it's overwhelming. The staff is very attentive and ordering a few dishes at a time allows you to savor each bite. I've eaten 16 dishes within the 2 hour time limit with the assistance of my fellow "porker."
The loud atmosphere isn't for everyone but I love the shouting, face stuffing and beer drinking crowd. This is not a first date type place but the girl will enjoy the food. Maybe if you stuff her enough she'll surrender. If she likes cheese the Deep Fried Brie will give her a euphoric head rush. Make sure she soaks up the mango and blueberry sauces.
Finish her off with the infamous Black Cod. "It's like butter baby"
Now that I got the important date information. This restaurant has tons of options for everyone. I personally indulge in the deep fried items. Deep Fried Soy Chicken with garlic mayo... OMG!
Other personal favorites...
I would recommend Guu to everyone. It's a great place to go as a small group and have a great time. Not a first date environment but a good place for a casual date. Deep Fried Oysters, Grilled Oyster, Deep Fried Brie and the Black Cod. Those are the keys to her pants. Questions about the menu? Post a comment I've tried pretty much everything there.